Gaushala Seva on your Vadic Janma Tithi

Gaushala Seva on your Vadic Janma Tithi

The cow is considered sacred in Hinduism and is an integral part of the Indian culture and tradition. 

Donating to a gaushala is not just about providing food, shelter, and medical care to the cows. It is also about promoting their welfare and ensuring that they are treated with compassion and respect.

Gau Mata is the symbol of wealth, strength and abundance. It brings good fortune to those who perform Gau Puja and Seva. 

 She represents the earth and most Hindus respect and worship cows for their gentle nature. Worshipping a Cow helps in clearing our debts and attain forgiveness.

If you are doing Gau daan to deserving person definitely he will blessed you. Karma means deed. Your past deeds determine your present and your present deeds determine your future.

Our ancient Vedic Astrology adopted the Lunar Calendar, while the Tajika System employed the Solar Calendar. 

When Varahamihira started Vikrama Saka by King Vikramaditya in 58 BCE, since then we have been following the Vedic Luni-Solar calendar using Lunar months and Solar sidereal years.

It may be noted that in the Ithihasa (History) of Ramayana and Mahabharata the events has been recorded by the Tithis.

 As per the ancient custom in Hindu society the birthday had been recorded depending on the Janma Tithi on the Vedic date (Tithi) of the Luni-Solar calendar instead of the date of Sun’s return. 

We Hindus celebrate Shri Rama’s Jayanthi (Birthday) on the Sukla Navami Tithi of Chaitra maasa and that of Sri Krishna on Bahula Ashtami of Sravana maasa. 

In Astrological understanding the Lagna is Deha (Body), Atma is Surya (Sun) and Manas is Chandra (Moon) correspondingly these are self (Lagna), Father (Sun) and Mother (Moon).

 It is but natural that a better definition of the moment of birth would be the angular displacement of the Moon from Sun, instead of just the natal Sun position. 

Although by defining thus we should never belittle the importance of the Sun as it is Atmakaraka. Hence our ancients have defined the twelve Zodiacs as Dwadasa Aditya.

 The definition of the annual birthday is the day when the Moon is at the exact displacement angle from Sun (degrees, minutes, seconds) as it was at birth, this is Janma Tithi.

The Janma Tithi could appear before or even after the birth day as per the Gregorian calendar. Due to this fluctuations the modern generation has stuck to commemorating birthday on the fixed date of the year.

 But actually it is very easy to identify the Janma Thiti using Panchanga however now with the advent of technology we can get our Janma Tithi date online.

 There is a portal that can help us in this regard it is janmatithi.in

On your Vadic Janma Tithi visit nearby Gaushala and donate equal amount of anaz exactly your body weight (not even 100g more or 100g less).

Feeding a cow has a calming effect, and it reduces the chances of slipping into psychological issues like depression and anxiety.

Astrological Benefits of Feeding Cows

Cow's milk has considered as a scared things from ancient Indian culture. Similarly you carry on doing good thing for welfare of other you will felt change of attitude of people's towards you. 

Feeding a cow also helps in obtaining a positive mindset and happy thoughts. A person absorbs the breath, aura, and smell of a cow while feeding it. This helps in eliminating the negative aspects. 

People having bad dreams, spre cow urine on your bedroom, by which it can help to get rid of these problems.

Even if the pinch of cow dung gets rid of three generations of sin, you will get ultimate satisfaction and will attain blissfulness.

A cow proliferates energies that help people overcome anger and tension. So, going near a cow to feed it makes you feel peaceful and relaxed. 

One can overcome financial constraints by offering water to the cow/ feed cows for a happy and prosperous life.

The cow symbolizes the 33 crore Gods and Goddesses of Hindu philosophy. This is the reason why several religious ashrams have gaushala in them. 

According to Hindus, donating a cow is auspicious, and hence several puja services are available for the same.

In a broader sense being born as a human is the highest expression of nature. Though we possess everything that animals and other living creatures have, we as humans are a bit different. 

We not only think like how the other species do, but we have the ability to evaluate our thoughts. This unique feature allows us to make moral and spiritual progress by eliminating thoughts that hurt ourselves and others. 

We can drive away the negative thoughts by reflecting upon their root causes, realizing the futility of negativity, becoming aware that past cannot be undone, reading and learning from scriptures, and so on. 

We can advance mentally, emotionally and spiritually, thus can even attain Self-realization by becoming awareness of oneness with the life force that permeate the entire Universe.

 Transcending all the illusions of limitations, and realizing this oneness with the Absolute Consciousness is the ultimate purpose of our life. 

By performing Gau Daan, one can achieve the state of Moksha. The process of donating a cow entails the gifting of the most sacred creature in ancient Hinduism. This act of kindness liberates the donor from the cycle of birth and death.

Nature has provided us with fully equipped Deha (Body) and we have Samskara (Impressions) and Vasanas (Tendencies) which propel the Trigunas (Three Characters) to pace our Manas (Mind) working along with Chitta (Memory) for this ultimate purpose. 

We have to attain this supreme goal with our own Buddhi (Intellect). However our ancients who have gained wisdom in the past can only guide us by showing the path.

 We ourselves would have to thread the path to find and realize the Truth. It doesn’t matter what day or Tithi one is born as anyone born on any day is entitled for Self-Realisation anytime.